By-Laws of
Oceanside Wednesdays Men’s Golf Club
as Amended November 2024
The primary purposes of this club is to promote a tournament program, and to provide handicaps to facilitate fair
The name of this organization shall be: The Oceanside Wednesdays Men’s Golf Club. It was established in 1976.
Annual Club Meeting
The President shall call an annual meeting of all club members. The annual meeting shall include a presentation by all board members of the activities of the year, comments from the attending club members, nomination of board members for the next year and the election of board members and the positions they hold. A golf tournament and a lunch may be included.
The Board of Directors.
Shortly after the annual meeting the Board of Directors shall meet. The officers of the club shall be the positions of
President, Tournament Director, Tournament Rules Director, Membership Director, Handicap Director, Treasurer, and Secretary. In the event of a vacancy, the Board shall appoint a club member in good standing to complete the term of the vacated Director.
Government and Management
Control and management of the affairs, funds and properties of the club shall be vested in the Board of Directors.
All checks necessary for the normal conduct of the business of the club shall be signed by the Treasurer of the Club The president or the Board of Directors may elect to require the addition 0f the president’s signature on specific, or, all checks.
Meetings of the Board of Directors.
The President or any two members of the Board of Directors may call a meeting of the board at any time.
Board members must be given reasonable notice of the meeting subject, time and location. A special meeting may be held if petitioned by at least 15% of the club membership and presented to the Secretary of the board. Club members must be given a notice of the meeting time, place, and date, and a summary of the business to be covered. The president may decide that a given board review item can be handled best by e-mail, teleconference or in person. The approval of a majority of the board members is required for passing any decision. The Secretary shall record these events.
Standing Committees
Section 1. Tournament Committee
This committee shall consist of one or two directors, and up to one member. It shall have charge of planning,
managing, collecting fees, and enforcing the provisions of club golf events. It shall prepare schedules of weekly events and e-mail them to the members. Results shall be distributed to members. The payouts shall be deposited as credit in each winner’s pro shop credit account. Records of golf events shall be retained for 4 weeks.
Section 2. Handicap Committee
This committee shall consist of one director and up to two members. The director must be certified to monitor the
handicaps of the club members in accordance with the requirements of the SCGA. The committee shall verify the
posting of member's scores, provide the members with handicaps to use in the club's competitions and divide competing players in to appropriate flights according to their handicap.
Section 3. Membership Committee
This committee shall consist of one director and up to two members. Its duties shall be the active solicitation of new members, introducing new members to the Club's Rules and Competition Procedures, and promote the retention of members and timely notify them when membership dues are comin g due.
Section 4 Rules Committee
This committee shall consist of one director and up to two members. Its duties shall be to enforce all rules of the USGA and rule on any questions regarding local rules, tournament rules and the rules of golf.
The annual dues will be determined by the Board of Directors. The membership Director shall timely notify the
membership the amount due. The timing of dues for each member will vary depending on his recorded start date with the S.C.G.A. Delinquent members shall be inactive and unable to participate in club activities until paid up.
Section 2. Honorary Membership
Honorary membership may be conferred by petition of 15% of the members in good standing together with the
unanimous approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Exemptions
Members of the Board of Directors are exempt from paying dues including S.C.G.A. dues.
ARTICLE VIII Organization
This club is a nonprofit association, created solely for the social benefit of its members.
ARTICLE IX Amendments
These by-laws may be amended or new by-laws adopted by a two thirds vote of the members present at the
annual meeting or any special meeting called for that purpose.
ARTICLE X Suspension and Expulsion
In the event that any member of the club shall fail to comply with the rules and regulations of the Club the member shall, after ten day written notice, be subject to suspension or expulsion by a vote of two-thirds of the Board of Directors at a meeting called for such purpose